Monday, December 16, 2013

What a Difference a Month Makes!

Have you ever wanted to do something seemingly crazy and random just because you could?  If not, you definitely should!  Dr. Seuss put it better with his rhyme:  “You have brains in your head, you have feet in your shoes, you can steer yourself, any direction you choose” - and I did! 

So what exactly did I do?  I sold almost everything I owned and packed up the rest in my small 4 door sedan and drove across America.   Why?  Because I could!  Yep, less than a month ago I was living in Salt Lake City, Utah and now I am living and working on Capitol Hill in Washington DC! 

My journey to DC began many years before that however starting with a random comment to my roommate Bethany about wanting to live in DC one day.  But the more I looked into it the more I realized that without my bachelor’s degree (which I had put off finishing) there was no way I would be competitive enough to qualify for the jobs I was interested in.  Looking at the amount of schooling I had left, the costs associated and the time commitment required was daunting.  Sadly, I put aside my dreams of DC, but decided that regardless of where I ended up; finishing my bachelors was probably a wise decision.  So I enrolled full time at the University of Utah and forged ahead.

3 years later, here I am, in Washington DC, living in an amazing apartment that literally (ok English majors, not literally, but close) fell into my lap, at a job within walking distance of where I live, at a prestigious and well known political think tank, working as the assistant to an inspiring woman who has served in two presidential administrations, at one of which she worked in the White House with President Ronald Reagan.

How crazy that this past August after not getting a job I thought for sure I would get in Park City, Utah (which if I am honest, was doing a job I didn't really want to do) I was devastated and questioning whether I could truly trust God with my life plans.  HA!  Who knew that God was dreaming bigger dreams for me than I had dreamt for myself!

Over the course of my life there have been many of these ‘aha’ moments where God does something amazing and I wonder why I ever doubted him.  I wish I could say that this experience will change me completely and that I will never doubt God again.  But sadly, I know my frail humanness will very likely go through a time of doubt when next I am challenged with not getting my way.  I am however, committed to living my life differently and putting Jesus first as he has proven time and time again to be absolutely trustworthy!