Friday, February 7, 2014

No Matter What, There Are Still Only 60 Minutes in Every Hour!

The future is something which everyone reaches at the rate of sixty minutes an hour, 
whatever he does, whoever he is. ~ C.S. Lewis

None of us can escape this simple truth, quoted from C.S. Lewis.  No matter who we are, or what we are doing, we can’t make life happen any faster than 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.  Which means we need to spend more time living in the now and making the most of every sixty minutes we have.  This is a truth I am still learning in my life.  To appreciate the moments as they happen and not worry so much about those that I cannot change or those that have not yet happened.

Living and working here in D.C. has been such a dream come true, my job has already allowed me to meet and converse with some truly unique people, some of whom have played roles in our government that will be or already are in our history books.  In fact, I had the honor of helping to coordinate an event to honor President Ronald Reagan with the Reagan Alumni Association. I admit, I felt like a bit of a groupie as I was surrounded by many people who lived and worked at the highest level of our federal government.  It made me hope that someday I will be able to leave a legacy, one of integrity and honor in how I live my life and how I am remembered by others.

Living life purposefully is the only way this can happen.  I have recently started waking up every day with a prayer that God will help me approach every moment with integrity and that in doing this I would find favor with those who I meet during my work day.  I know I am human and I make mistakes, and believe me, I have already made mistakes here at my job.  There is a learning curve with any new job, everything is a learning experience, with I think, the biggest lesson being the ability to admit your mistakes freely, with a willingness to learn from them.  It is humbling to have to admit to your mistakes, but it is so much more freeing to admit them, learn the lesson, take the consequences and move past them, than it is to make excuses, place blame or hide from them.

I am looking forward to the day when I am more familiar with my new job and hopefully those mistakes will happen less and less often.  But even so, starting my day with prayer for approaching every day and every task with integrity is a great reminder and comfort for me, knowing I can trust God that he will provide that gentle prodding whenever I am tempted, as we all are, to cut corners or make excuses.

This is all part of the continuing journey for me of falling back in love with Jesus.  I can’t believe I started this in August and it is already February!  How drastically my life has changed in such a short amount of time!  But you know, the biggest change for me hasn't been career wise, or even geographically, but it has been the change in my heart.  Making that leap to decide to love and trust God regardless of my circumstances has given me such peace and contentment, it is unbelievable.  I am ashamed I fought that complete trust of God so long.

I am excited for my future, I know that with God guiding me along the way it is going to be something crazy wonderful.  But even still, I am not focusing on that future, but on today and the current 60 minutes that I am living in.

BTW - Happy 2014 Everyone!!